may 16, 2014 - santiago de chile

  1. gaza
  2. easter
  3. beautiful
  4. power
  5. you´re gone
  6. man of a thousand faces
  7. no one can
  8. warm wet circles
  9. that time of the night (the short straw)
  10. cover my eyes (pain and heaven)
  11. the uninvited guest
  12. hooks in you
  13. ocean cloud
  14. kayleigh
  15. lavender
  16. heart of lothian
  17. sugar mice
  18. neverland
total playing time: 02:21:42

recorded live at teatro caupolican, santiago, chile, 16.05.2014 

steve hogarth & richard barbieri - arc light

  1. arc light
  2. intergalactic (arc light version)
  3. daddy does work
  4. oil
  5. elaine
total playing time: 28:41 mins