palladium stockholm 12 october 1991

  1. splintering heart
  2. garden party
  3. dry land
  4. the king of sunset town
  5. the party
  6. easter
  7. the space
  8. holloway girl
  9. a collection
  10. waiting to happen
  11. cover my eyes
  12. lords of the backstage
  13. blind curve
  14. the uninvited guest
  15. this town
  16. the rake´s progress
  17. 100 nights
  18. slainte mhath
  19. holidays in eden
  20. hooks in you
  21. no one can
  22. berlin
  23. kayleigh
  24. incommunicado
recorded live at the palladium, stockholm, sweden, 12.10.1991

total playing time: 02:07:09